!["A Many Splendored Thing" -- Bishop is more determined than ever to seek revenge for the murder of Qasim, her late boyfriend, after Gibbs and the team find a new lead in the Chen case. Also, Torres teaches the agents the art of pickpocketing, on NCIS, Tuesday, Feb. 21 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Mary Stuart Masterson returns as Congresswoman Jenna Flemming. Pictured: Rocky Carroll, Jennifer Esposito. Photo: Trae Patton/CBS é2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved "A Many Splendored Thing" -- Bishop is more determined than ever to seek revenge for the murder of Qasim, her late boyfriend, after Gibbs and the team find a new lead in the Chen case. Also, Torres teaches the agents the art of pickpocketing, on NCIS, Tuesday, Feb. 21 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Mary Stuart Masterson returns as Congresswoman Jenna Flemming. Pictured: Rocky Carroll, Jennifer Esposito. Photo: Trae Patton/CBS é2017 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved](https://observatoriodocinema.com.br/wp-content/plugins/seox-image-magick/imagick_convert.php?width=324&height=222&format=.jpg&quality=91&imagick=/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/jennifer-esposito-324x235.jpg)
"Eu não era branca o suficiente para 5 projetos diferentes", diz atriz de NCIS
Jennifer Esposito, mais conhecida por seu trabalho nas séries NCIS e The Affair, falou no Facebook sobre sua experiência em testes de elenco, dizendo que, no mês passado, ela perdeu cinco papéis por não ser “branca o suficiente”. “Não conseguir um emprego é uma coisa, mas nem mesmo ser permitido em uma sala para ter […]