![Mandatory Credit: Photo by David Handschuh/AP/Shutterstock (6608834a)
Robert Evans Producer Robert Evans, known for his films "The Godfather" and "Love Story", shakes hands with an unidentified woman as he leaves Federal Court in Manhattan, New York,, with his attorney, Frederick Hafetz. Evans was convicted of cocaine possession. and was sentenced to one year's probation in return for his help in educating youth about the evils of narcotics
Robert Evans, New York, USA Mandatory Credit: Photo by David Handschuh/AP/Shutterstock (6608834a)
Robert Evans Producer Robert Evans, known for his films "The Godfather" and "Love Story", shakes hands with an unidentified woman as he leaves Federal Court in Manhattan, New York,, with his attorney, Frederick Hafetz. Evans was convicted of cocaine possession. and was sentenced to one year's probation in return for his help in educating youth about the evils of narcotics
Robert Evans, New York, USA](https://observatoriodocinema.com.br/wp-content/plugins/seox-image-magick/imagick_convert.php?width=324&height=222&format=.jpg&quality=91&imagick=/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/robert-evans-3-324x235.jpg)
Robert Evans, produtor de O Bebê de Rosemary e O Poderoso Chefão, morre aos 89 anos
Robert Evans, figurão de Hollywood que atuou na produção de filmes como O Poderoso Chefão, O Bebê de Rosemary e Chinatown, morreu nesta semana. Ambicioso e inexperiente, Evas tomou controle da Paramount nos anos 60, e ajudou o estúdio a sair da bancarrota e se tornar um dos empreendimentos mais lucrativos de Hollywood. Durante seu […]