![Hamburg, October 11, 2018 Actress Kristen Stewart shoots an action scene in Hamburg on Fleet Island for the movie "Charlie?s Angels". She runs with a drawn weapon along a street.
Pictured: Kristen Stewart
Ref: SPL5032777 121018 NON-EXCLUSIVE
Picture by: News4HH / SplashNews.com
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World Rights Hamburg, October 11, 2018 Actress Kristen Stewart shoots an action scene in Hamburg on Fleet Island for the movie "Charlie?s Angels". She runs with a drawn weapon along a street.
Pictured: Kristen Stewart
Ref: SPL5032777 121018 NON-EXCLUSIVE
Picture by: News4HH / SplashNews.com
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New York: 212-619-2666
London: 0207 644 7656
Milan: +39 02 4399 8577
Sydney: +61 02 9240 7700
World Rights](https://observatoriodocinema.com.br/wp-content/plugins/seox-image-magick/imagick_convert.php?width=324&height=222&format=.jpg&quality=91&imagick=/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/charlie-angel-reboot-324x235.jpg)
As Panteras | Reboot com Kristen Stewart é adiado em cinco semanas
Com a Warner Bros tirando Mulher-Maravilha 1984 da data original de novembro de 2019, a Sony correu para colocar o reboot de As Panteras nessa mesma data. De acordo com o Deadline, o filme de Elizabeth Banks foi adiado de 27 de setembro de 2019 para 1º de novembro do mesmo ano nos EUA. As […]